Due to being extremely popular, the format is somewhat warped towards decks that tend to perform well against Rally Portal (including Midrange Sword, Baal Blood and both variants of Forest), so I’m personally of the opinion that Rally Portal is far from being the best deck of the format in a competitive sense. In a metagame sense, Rally Portal is one of the least polarized decks of the format.

In that sense, there are some differences in game plans of Kaiser lists and Kaiser-less lists, as the former have more answers against midrange decks (due to having more Iceschillendrig activators), while the latter have a bit of a gap in their turn 8-9 plays, which in theory is compensated by having a stronger early game. The deck is fairly straightforward to play, but there is some finesse to managing your number of threats, as the deck only has so many: some Rally Portal lists only play Iceshillendrig as their top-end, and as such, have to rely on either out-tempo-ing the opponent in the midgame or stalling until turn 10 for an Awakened Ragna/Zelgenea combo to close out games. After the “ Fieran stage” of the game, the deck either wins by generating an overwhelming tempo advantage with undercosted pay-off effects, such as Illganeau/ Mind Splitter/ Fieran or by grinding out the opponent’s threats with Iceschillendrig and eventually pushing enough damage with followers or setting up for a lethal Lazuli/Kaiser or a fully charged Illganeau‘s Spell token. Rally Portal is a proactive midrange deck that utilizes Puppet synergies (more specifically, Stringmaster) and efficient early-game Portalcraft followers ( Illganeau/Syntonization and the best Portal card of the mini-expansion, Goblin Queen) to have a consistent early curve, which in turns allows the deck to consistently invoke Fieran on turns 6-7, which in turn has synergy with cards like Mind Splitter and Illganeau. Identifying cards: Marionette Master, Phantom Blade Wielder, Stringmaster, Goblin Queen, Mind Splitter, Wandering Chef, Fieran, Havensent Wind God.